Digital & Performance - Activity Group

Digital & Performance

Digital & Performance


The main purpose of our work consists in creation of a site easy to use, an interface that fascinates with simplicity and individuality of performance form.

We will be pleased to develop for you:

Corporate website:
Single-page website:

This is an essential element of the successful operation of any business. A company’s image depends on the appearance and functionality of the website.

Before offering you ideas, we will study your products or services, the range of products, competitor analysis and your target audience.

We advise our customers to use the LP to test the business idea and choose the right niche.

For ease of understanding the structure of the website development process, we highlight the following key steps:


Analysis of competitors, trends, TA, defining the concept of the site.


Definition of the most effective structure of the site, taking into account user scenarios.


Working out of site design. Coding, programming and testing.


Filling with content, basic SEO settings.

Technical support

Website promotion is an important stage in the life of your new stylish website

Here we offer you the following effective methods:


  • Increasing the relevance of pages to search queries.
  • Structure and content optimization.
  • Optimize page code.
  • Increase target traffic from search.
  • Increase the flow of leads from search.
  • Add unique articles by topic every week.

Contextual advertising:

  • Advertising in Yandex.Direct.
  • Ads on Google AdWords.
  • Setting up counters Yandex.Metrika and Google Analytics.
  • Setting up the main objectives in Yandex.Metrika.
Targeted advertising:
  • Business analysis and choosing the best strategy.
  • Defining objectives and agreeing on KPI.
  • Setting up analytics.
  • Setting up counters on Yandex.Metrika and Google Analytics.
  • Selection of targeting tools.
  • Negotiation of the concept of showing ads.
  • Setting up and running an advertising campaign.
  • Analysis and correction.
  • Reporting.

A convenient and secure online shop is an essential part of running a competent business and a great sales tool, attracting customers and allowing them to buy any product in a matter of minutes.

Our team develops online shops of any complexity and customises the shop interface to meet all business requirements.

We believe that Landing page is a great tool to boost sales and attract new customers. The main and important elements of a one-page website are a well-thought-out structure, attractive design, concise texts and catchy headlines.


Do you want to relaunch your website but don't know where to start?

We recommend you start with an audit.

Our team helps to identify errors and develop recommendations for fixing them.

Based on the audit, we increase brand awareness, improve the rate of marketing, and analyse website promotion online.

How do you know you need a site audit?

The need for a site audit occurs when there is a decrease in conversion in sales.

This can occur for several reasons:

  • The quality of website traffic.
  • The usability of the site.
  • Characteristics and competitive position of your product.
  • Technical parameters of the site.
  • Negative feedback.

We perform full UX site audits based on user behaviour. We analyse user interaction with the interface and make it smart, easy and comfortable.


Social Media Marketing is a set of activities to promote a brand and manage the reputation of a product or service in social media..

Our SMM unit develops and implements strategies, creates interesting content, promotes and works with opinion leaders.

Our team helps to identify mistakes and develops recommendations for their elimination.

We will creatively design your social networks, develop a strategy based on a comprehensive analysis of your niche and competitors, optimize the positioning and sound of your brand, create a competent content plan, build an audience and deal with the successful maintenance and promotion of your social networks.

We comprehensively solve business problems and develop unique brand presence strategies in social networks, we increase coverage and recognition, we work with customer loyalty and sales promotion, we work with bloggers and brand community.


You won’t get a second chance to make a first impression!

The visual component of your web-resource is a basis for a correct impression and your image.

Web-design is the location, and appearance of a variety of blocks of information on the site (leaderboards, text blocks, widgets, online shops design).

Aesthetics and usability are two key moments in the effective design of websites.

We study users, form the architecture of the site, create an exclusive style, graphic content, and choose the correct colour scheme, user-friendly navigation and interface.

We also refresh the existing design of the site:

  • Design of the site pages.
  • Design of the selling blocks (landing page).
  • Graphic design.
  • Font selection.
  • Corporate colours selection.
  • Leaderboards design.

We develop solutions to take your business to a whole new level with Data Science:

  • Building forecast models based on unlinked data.
  • Creating unique advertising targeting chains, allowing you to show the right content to the right audience at the right time with 99% accuracy.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of remarketing by scoring audiences with the involvement of mobile operators.
  • Integration of Data Science algorithms into current e-commerce algorithms.
  • Development of banners.
Our Clients
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